Hello Idaho!
My name is Scott Trotter, candidate for U.S. Senate in 2022. It is an honor to have the opportunity to represent the great state of Idaho and the values of our residents.
For You. For Idaho. For America.
Thank you for your vote on May 17, 2022 during the Republican primary. Let's go Idaho!

For You
Your voice. Your interests. Your hopes for Idaho matter. Thank you for trusting me to represent you. I look forward to meeting you and learning how you represent Idaho in the days to come.
For Idaho
Idaho sets an example for America. We are a safe place. We are a refuge. We are good people. We love our families and each other. We enjoy life, liberty and happiness.
For America
We are the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are God Bless America. We are thankful for God, our founding fathers, our veterans and our amazing citizens.

Victory Is Our Future
When General George Washington led his soldiers across the Delaware River on Christmas Day in 1776 -- in route to defeating British troops -- it was a victory that led to the freedom we enjoy today. Men and women like him have risen up at transitionary times since then to reset our nations future. This is again one of those key times.
We are one nation under God. The foundation of this great nation rests upon one truth ... God has blessed us. Now is the time to remember where we have come from and to Whom we belong. Now is the time to rise up and breathe in new life. Now is the time to lift our voices and proclaim the good news ...
out of Idaho!
It is an exciting time to be an American!
Let's join together and move forward in victory for all.
Tuesday, November 16, 2021 - I met with the men and women of the Idaho County Republican Central Committee in Grangeville, Idaho. What a wise and wonderful group of people dedicated to serving Idaho and our country. Thank you Idaho County Republican Central Committee for what you do! You are amazing.
Thank you Idaho County Republican Central Committee!
Thank you Nez Perce County Republican Central Committee!
Thursday, November 18, 2021 - It was my pleasure to visit with a full room of members and attendees at the Nez Perce County Republican Central Committee monthly meeting in Lewiston, Idaho. It was great to connect with this energetic group and I am excited about the work the committee is doing on behalf of Nez Perce County and our state of Idaho!
I look forward to meeting more committees, businesses and residents throughout Idaho!
Friday, January 14 - Saturday, January 15, 2022 - What a great campaign trip to southern Idaho with my wife Tracy and daughter Emma for Lincoln Days! Thank you to everyone who put together the candidate gatherings and the residents who attended the events! I was unable to meet at the Gooding County gathering but it was wonderful meeting you at the other counties and thank you for sharing your hearts regarding your desires for our country to turn back to following God and our Constitution! Restoration is coming! Can you feel it? I can! See you at the next Lincoln Day event in our great state of Idaho!
Thank you Lincoln, Blaine, Camas and Gooding Counties!
Friday, January 28, 2022 - We had a wonderful visit to Washington County and the city of Weiser, Idaho during their Lincoln Days event! I met many Washington County residents who are passionate about our country and especially enjoyed my conversation with my new friend Karl! I will be back to your area soon on February 17! Let's go Idaho!
Thank you Washington County!
Saturday, February 5, 2022 - Wow what a terrific Lincoln Day event held by the Gem County Republican Central Committee! Thank you Ashley Hoobery for making me feel welcome and all your hard work putting together this great night! Thank you for everyone for you kind comments regarding my speech and let us continue to passionately move forward in declaring we are an "In God We Trust" nation!!
Thank you Gem County!
It's official! I've been everywhere!!!
Friday, May 6, 2022 - You know that song "I've Been Everywhere Man" by Johnny Cash? Well I think I did it! I've been to all 44 counties in Idaho since the start of my campaign in October!! Also, if my count is correct -- I've been to 31 of 33 Republican Lincoln Days events all over the state in these counties ... Lincoln, Blaine, Camas, Washington, Gem, Owyhee, Canyon, Ada, Twin Falls, Mini-Cassia, Idaho, Clearwater, Bonner, Jefferson, Nez Perce, Latah, Custer, Boise, Shoshone, Valley, Franklin, Bingham, Bannock, Caribou, Bonneville, Adams, Elmore, Payette, Bear Lake, Jerome and Oneida (not in that order). What an awesome adventure meeting so many amazing Idahoans! Wahoo! Thanks for your vote on May 17!
My family and I have been overwhelmed by your support in this U.S. Senate campaign. As we move forward together please know how much you are appreciated!
Thank you for your support!

If you wish to donate
please mail checks to:
Trotter for U.S. Senate
523 D Street
Lewiston, ID 83501
Cell: 509-751-7966
Email: image@lewiston.com